Kamis, 26 September 2013

Zaskia departure is a loss for poor portrait ...

Zaskia departure is a loss for poor portrait ...
Zaskia Nur Aulia finally breathed his last in Klaten RSI, Wednesday (22/9) afternoon. Zaskia full story go melancholy. The departure of the lifeless boy who fell into a pot of boiling water it really defeats the portrait of the poor in his own country.
Ironic indeed. Because, until her death at the end of it, Zaskia born to poor families that still do not get health insurance from the government.
"Zaskia died in the midst of the hustle and bustle of politics in Klaten. And lives Zaskia really do not consider important for leaders at Klaten, "said Zainal Abidin, neighbors Zaskia family who early assist and fight for the fate of the family Zaskia obtain JAMKESMAS and Jamkesda.
Zainal already disappointed. He was also angry and sad. Therefore, attempts to seize JAMKESNAS rigors of the hands of the government to the poor as Zaskia apparently in vain.
And a boy from the village of Klaten Karanganom Gledek finally enjoying his last breath without a penny of money that should be the right of poor people like him.
"From the village of Klaten regency until I visited. However, he said the same: there is no quota for Zaskia again, "he said.
Catastrophe, certainly not expecting anyone. No exception for Zaskia, boy that was born out of a factory worker and the worker's household seasonal. Now, when Zaskia have returned to the land of eternity, none of the government officials concerned.
Father-mother, Siti Munfiatun Agus and perhaps can only remember the fun times of the youngest child, through her tears were tears.
Zaskia departure probably just be ignored like a poor man with no name. But not demimkian for Zainal. Men who have to bear the cost Zaskia treatment for RSI in Klaten was still considered essential meaning of a death Zaskia.
"Death is a mirror Zaskia how many aspiring leaders at Klaten is no response over the fate of the poor," kecamnya.
Pediatric surgical specialists who handle Zaskia, Dr. Surya Alam Guntur express, Zaskia died because her immune system is weakened since Tuesday (21/9) night. Decreased consciousness accompanied by vomiting.
"I really did not expect Zaskia died so quickly," said Dr. Guntur condolences.
Zaskia go in when the political uproar in the Shining City is over. His departure probably not many know and regret.
However, he went with a profound message how many poor people in Klaten are not covered health insurance, good local government, provincial or national. "Hopefully Zaskia departure could knock the hearts of the leaders in Klaten," Zainal said hopefully.

The book "Al-Muqtathofat" Weapons Could Be Overcome Wahabi

The book "Al-Muqtathofat" Weapons Could Be Overcome Wahabi
Tahlilan tradition, pilgrimage grave, istighotsah, dibaan or maulidan and the like is ingrained in society. But when asked about the argument, most ordinary people do not know, and it was used as a weapon to Wahabi Salafis mengkafir-kafirkan many people.
Is the book "al-Muqtathofat li Ahlil Bidayat" written by KH Marzuki Mustamar, Chairman PCNU Malang provide guidelines for the community if an when there are those who do not like the tradition of it.
Should not have to respond to those who do not like the tradition. But when they are questioned, attacked, let alone infidel, then we also need to prepare an answer.
"Al-Muqtathofat Ahlil Bidayat li" or "notes for beginners" is not to save people who face constant accusations of heresy, as well as awareness of certain parties that are not easily mengkafirkan others.
All religious traditions are run by people that there dasaranya, "All that is in the book that berlandasakan Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah," Kiai said Marzuki in Mujahidin Mosque, Jalan Shark, Lowokwaru, Malang, Tuesday (30/5).
The book is reviewed on a regular basis at several mosques in the city of Malang, precisely every Tuesday at 19:00 ba'da Isyak prayers. Not just in one place, the regular schedule of walking around Malang mosque in rotation.
The presence of the book is expected to provide information regarding the validity of the traditions of the community ubudiyah Sharai. In other words, this book fosters trust premises Muslim society in general, especially for the nahdyiyin, that traditions like ritual ubudiyyah tahlilan, haul, southern birth ceremonies, rituals four and seven months of the womb, to commemorate the birth Nadi, qunut and prayer, and the other , does not deviate from the Aqeedah and includes part of the Sunnah of the Prophet Prophet Muhammad.
"All that is essentially, not annexed origin," exclaimed caregivers Sabulur Rosyad Boarding School, Malang explained that while the arguments that have been written in the book of his compositions

Wisdom and How Dhikr La ilaha illallah

Wisdom and How Dhikr La ilaha illallah

June 26th, 2013 Comments Off

by Raka yusna Wiryawan in Public Opinion, Raka Wiryawan

Wisdom and How Dhikr La ilaha illallah

One of the most important dhikr is La ilaha illallah sentence / لاإله إلاالله which means that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah swt. That was the message to the Holy Prophet Sayyidina Ali Karramallahu Wajahah, when he personally requested that a special remembrance given more weight than the world and its contents, and easier to get closer to Allah swt.

So the Prophet replied, "Do not be so Brother Ali, that the most important words that I say and also said prophets before me is La ilaha illallah

"أفضل ماقلت أنا والنبيون من قبلي لاإله إلاالله

So give diploma dhikr Prophet لاإله إلاالله to Sayyidina Ali who is later revealed to his Companions, and tabiut tabi'in tabi'in up to us all. Because actual sentence لاإله إلاالله save berbibu wisdom even seisinya world.

In one hadith narrated by Anas mentioned friend

من قال لا إله إلا الله ومدها هدمت له أربعة آلاف ذنب من الكبائر "

Surely he who reads the words of Tawheed لآ إله إلا الله and extending it, it will be deleted him four thousand kinds of great sin ".

At the time of the Companions asked, "O Messenger of Allah, and how if he did not have any great sin?", He replied: "So that eliminated four thousand kinds of major sins are family and neighbors".

Among the teachings of the scholars of Tawheed when reading long sentences, while LA was lengthening the head turned to the right and the means to live the heart is "no". And when reciting ILAHA while head moves to the center and heart to live means that "God shall be worshiped". Then recite ILLALLAH ktika kesebalah left while turning heads and hearts it means to live the "but God".

And the important thing to note also is finished the sentence with a sentence monotheism محمد رسول الله live on in our hearts and it means that "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah". This is to distinguish how to read sentences Prophet Muhammad Tauhid people with previous race.

Tawheed of Allah's actual sentence is not only recommended to the faithful Muhammad, but also the people of previous prophets. An illustrated story is narrated from Wahab bin Manbah.

عن وهب بن منبه رضي الله عنه قال قرأت في آخر زبور داود عليه الصلاة والسلام ثلاثين سطرا يا داود هل تدرى أي المؤمنين أحب إلى أن أطيل حياته الذي إذا قال لا إله إلا الله اقشعر جلده وإني أكره لذلك الموت كما تكره الوالدة لولدها ولابد له منه انى أريد ان أسره في دار سوى هذه الدار فان نعيمها بلاء ورخاءها شدة فيها عدولا يألوهم خبالا يجرى منهم مجرى الدم من أجل ذلك عجلت أوليائي إلى الجنة لولا ذلك لما مات أدم عليه السلام وولده حتى ينفخ

Narrated from Wahab bin Manbah that he once said "I have read the last line of thirty books of David as zaburnya. (Described therein) Allah said to Prophet David, "do you know who believe the most I want for my long life?" Prophet Dawud replied "do not know".

Then Allah explains "who believe that if the sentence read monotheism would fur-bulanya goosebumps. And I really hate (not ingnkan) who believe such a hurry to die, such as parents who are not willing to off her. Actually I wanted to please him in the house is not a home (= mortal world). Because of enjoyment in this world is a test, and the luxuries it is misery. In addition, in the world many enemies that continue to flow to and fro like menyelebunginya blood flow that invites the damage.

Therefore I segerakan them the beloved (dead last) into my heaven. Were it not so, surely will not die Prophet Adam and his descendants would have thought when he blew up.

Thus the importance of the position of monotheism sentence لآ إله إلا الله for a believer, he is not merely a recognition of the oneness of Allah swt sentence, but also as a key to success in the life hereafter. As the promises of God to the Prophet Dawud as described. Because that is said مفتاح الجنة لآ إله إلا الله that the door of heaven is la ilaha illa Allah.
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Seconds Death of Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani

Seconds Death of Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani

June 26th, 2013 Comments Off

by Raka yusna Wiryawan in Gus Dur, Public Opinion, Raka Wiryawan

His body had been buried more than eight centuries. However, the name and role model in his life remains a strong impression among the Muslims. grosir jilbab kaos murah jual dompet kulit asli He is Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, a Persian-born cleric Sufi world fame level.

Shaykh Abdul Qadir private firm known as the principled, genuine seeker, and a voice for the truth to anyone, and with any risk. Age spent to pursue the path of Sufism, until he suffered a devastating spiritual experiences that influence his whole life. Traces of Sheikh Abdul Qadir also found in dozens of original works.

Besides inheriting many writings, Sheikh Abdul Qadir leave some advice before kewafatannya fruit. Shaykh preceded the end of life with his health condition continued to decline. At that time his sons approached and asked a number of questions.

"Give me the will, O my father. What should I do sepergian father later? "Asked his eldest son, Abdul Wahab.

"You should always devoted to God. Do not be afraid of anyone, except Allah. Each needs to ask him. Do not hold in addition to his rope. Look for everything from God, "replied the father.

grosir celana kolor dompet pria kw super "I rather like the trunk without bark," said Sheikh Abdul Qadir. "Get away from me you guys are with you because it is just the outward body only, while in addition to you, I along with my mind."

Another son, Abdul Aziz, asked about the situation. "Do not ask me about anything and anyone. I'm back in the knowledge of God, "said Sheikh Abdul Qadir.

When asked Abdul Jabar, another son, "What father can feel from the body of my father?" Sheikh Abdul Qadir replied, "All the members of my body except my heart ache. How he can be sick, he was really with God. "

"Ask for help to God that there is no god that must be worshiped except Him. He is the One who live, not to die, never fear because of his loss. "Death was soon approached Sheikh Abdul Qadir.

Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jainlani last breath in Baghdad on Saturday bakda maghrib, 9 Rabi End 561 H or M January 15, 1166, at the age of 89 years. World mourns his return, but the next generation until now remained faithful to continue teaching and struggle.