Kamis, 26 September 2013

Seconds Death of Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani

Seconds Death of Sheikh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani

June 26th, 2013 Comments Off

by Raka yusna Wiryawan in Gus Dur, Public Opinion, Raka Wiryawan

His body had been buried more than eight centuries. However, the name and role model in his life remains a strong impression among the Muslims. grosir jilbab kaos murah jual dompet kulit asli He is Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jilani, a Persian-born cleric Sufi world fame level.

Shaykh Abdul Qadir private firm known as the principled, genuine seeker, and a voice for the truth to anyone, and with any risk. Age spent to pursue the path of Sufism, until he suffered a devastating spiritual experiences that influence his whole life. Traces of Sheikh Abdul Qadir also found in dozens of original works.

Besides inheriting many writings, Sheikh Abdul Qadir leave some advice before kewafatannya fruit. Shaykh preceded the end of life with his health condition continued to decline. At that time his sons approached and asked a number of questions.

"Give me the will, O my father. What should I do sepergian father later? "Asked his eldest son, Abdul Wahab.

"You should always devoted to God. Do not be afraid of anyone, except Allah. Each needs to ask him. Do not hold in addition to his rope. Look for everything from God, "replied the father.

grosir celana kolor dompet pria kw super "I rather like the trunk without bark," said Sheikh Abdul Qadir. "Get away from me you guys are with you because it is just the outward body only, while in addition to you, I along with my mind."

Another son, Abdul Aziz, asked about the situation. "Do not ask me about anything and anyone. I'm back in the knowledge of God, "said Sheikh Abdul Qadir.

When asked Abdul Jabar, another son, "What father can feel from the body of my father?" Sheikh Abdul Qadir replied, "All the members of my body except my heart ache. How he can be sick, he was really with God. "

"Ask for help to God that there is no god that must be worshiped except Him. He is the One who live, not to die, never fear because of his loss. "Death was soon approached Sheikh Abdul Qadir.

Shaykh Abdul Qadir al-Jainlani last breath in Baghdad on Saturday bakda maghrib, 9 Rabi End 561 H or M January 15, 1166, at the age of 89 years. World mourns his return, but the next generation until now remained faithful to continue teaching and struggle.

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