Kamis, 26 September 2013

The book "Al-Muqtathofat" Weapons Could Be Overcome Wahabi

The book "Al-Muqtathofat" Weapons Could Be Overcome Wahabi
Tahlilan tradition, pilgrimage grave, istighotsah, dibaan or maulidan and the like is ingrained in society. But when asked about the argument, most ordinary people do not know, and it was used as a weapon to Wahabi Salafis mengkafir-kafirkan many people.
Is the book "al-Muqtathofat li Ahlil Bidayat" written by KH Marzuki Mustamar, Chairman PCNU Malang provide guidelines for the community if an when there are those who do not like the tradition of it.
Should not have to respond to those who do not like the tradition. But when they are questioned, attacked, let alone infidel, then we also need to prepare an answer.
"Al-Muqtathofat Ahlil Bidayat li" or "notes for beginners" is not to save people who face constant accusations of heresy, as well as awareness of certain parties that are not easily mengkafirkan others.
All religious traditions are run by people that there dasaranya, "All that is in the book that berlandasakan Ahlussunnah wal Jamaah," Kiai said Marzuki in Mujahidin Mosque, Jalan Shark, Lowokwaru, Malang, Tuesday (30/5).
The book is reviewed on a regular basis at several mosques in the city of Malang, precisely every Tuesday at 19:00 ba'da Isyak prayers. Not just in one place, the regular schedule of walking around Malang mosque in rotation.
The presence of the book is expected to provide information regarding the validity of the traditions of the community ubudiyah Sharai. In other words, this book fosters trust premises Muslim society in general, especially for the nahdyiyin, that traditions like ritual ubudiyyah tahlilan, haul, southern birth ceremonies, rituals four and seven months of the womb, to commemorate the birth Nadi, qunut and prayer, and the other , does not deviate from the Aqeedah and includes part of the Sunnah of the Prophet Prophet Muhammad.
"All that is essentially, not annexed origin," exclaimed caregivers Sabulur Rosyad Boarding School, Malang explained that while the arguments that have been written in the book of his compositions

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