Kamis, 26 September 2013

Wisdom and How Dhikr La ilaha illallah

Wisdom and How Dhikr La ilaha illallah

June 26th, 2013 Comments Off

by Raka yusna Wiryawan in Public Opinion, Raka Wiryawan

Wisdom and How Dhikr La ilaha illallah

One of the most important dhikr is La ilaha illallah sentence / لاإله إلاالله which means that there is no god worthy of worship except Allah swt. That was the message to the Holy Prophet Sayyidina Ali Karramallahu Wajahah, when he personally requested that a special remembrance given more weight than the world and its contents, and easier to get closer to Allah swt.

So the Prophet replied, "Do not be so Brother Ali, that the most important words that I say and also said prophets before me is La ilaha illallah

"أفضل ماقلت أنا والنبيون من قبلي لاإله إلاالله

So give diploma dhikr Prophet لاإله إلاالله to Sayyidina Ali who is later revealed to his Companions, and tabiut tabi'in tabi'in up to us all. Because actual sentence لاإله إلاالله save berbibu wisdom even seisinya world.

In one hadith narrated by Anas mentioned friend

من قال لا إله إلا الله ومدها هدمت له أربعة آلاف ذنب من الكبائر "

Surely he who reads the words of Tawheed لآ إله إلا الله and extending it, it will be deleted him four thousand kinds of great sin ".

At the time of the Companions asked, "O Messenger of Allah, and how if he did not have any great sin?", He replied: "So that eliminated four thousand kinds of major sins are family and neighbors".

Among the teachings of the scholars of Tawheed when reading long sentences, while LA was lengthening the head turned to the right and the means to live the heart is "no". And when reciting ILAHA while head moves to the center and heart to live means that "God shall be worshiped". Then recite ILLALLAH ktika kesebalah left while turning heads and hearts it means to live the "but God".

And the important thing to note also is finished the sentence with a sentence monotheism محمد رسول الله live on in our hearts and it means that "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah". This is to distinguish how to read sentences Prophet Muhammad Tauhid people with previous race.

Tawheed of Allah's actual sentence is not only recommended to the faithful Muhammad, but also the people of previous prophets. An illustrated story is narrated from Wahab bin Manbah.

عن وهب بن منبه رضي الله عنه قال قرأت في آخر زبور داود عليه الصلاة والسلام ثلاثين سطرا يا داود هل تدرى أي المؤمنين أحب إلى أن أطيل حياته الذي إذا قال لا إله إلا الله اقشعر جلده وإني أكره لذلك الموت كما تكره الوالدة لولدها ولابد له منه انى أريد ان أسره في دار سوى هذه الدار فان نعيمها بلاء ورخاءها شدة فيها عدولا يألوهم خبالا يجرى منهم مجرى الدم من أجل ذلك عجلت أوليائي إلى الجنة لولا ذلك لما مات أدم عليه السلام وولده حتى ينفخ

Narrated from Wahab bin Manbah that he once said "I have read the last line of thirty books of David as zaburnya. (Described therein) Allah said to Prophet David, "do you know who believe the most I want for my long life?" Prophet Dawud replied "do not know".

Then Allah explains "who believe that if the sentence read monotheism would fur-bulanya goosebumps. And I really hate (not ingnkan) who believe such a hurry to die, such as parents who are not willing to off her. Actually I wanted to please him in the house is not a home (= mortal world). Because of enjoyment in this world is a test, and the luxuries it is misery. In addition, in the world many enemies that continue to flow to and fro like menyelebunginya blood flow that invites the damage.

Therefore I segerakan them the beloved (dead last) into my heaven. Were it not so, surely will not die Prophet Adam and his descendants would have thought when he blew up.

Thus the importance of the position of monotheism sentence لآ إله إلا الله for a believer, he is not merely a recognition of the oneness of Allah swt sentence, but also as a key to success in the life hereafter. As the promises of God to the Prophet Dawud as described. Because that is said مفتاح الجنة لآ إله إلا الله that the door of heaven is la ilaha illa Allah.
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